If someone in your family has passed on and you want to put off the memorial service that you want to have after cremation services in Tacoma, WA for any reason, there are still a few things you can do now in order to prepare for it. When someone passes away, you want to honor their memory, but having a service right away might not be in order. That doesn’t mean you don’t want to do at least some things in order to mark their death, honor their life, and prepare for the service ahead of time. Here are some things you can do:
Pick A Date
If you want to put services off because you want to allow family the time they need to travel to your location, you can choose a date a few months down the road or whenever you want it to be and then give them the advance notice they need to take time off from work and make travel arrangements. There are going to be some circumstances when you cannot yet choose a date and that’s okay, too. But if you can pick a date, that gives you something to plan towards and to spread the word about.
Create A Memory Board Or Video
Whether you know when you will have the service or not, you can create a memory board for your loved one to have available at the service. This board or a video you might create can be a huge hit with anyone who wants to remember your loved one’s good times. Since you have more time to create it, you can reach out to family members for favorite pictures, memories, or quotes they might want to include in the video or on a memory board. Creating these memorial pieces can give you something to do and prepare for and it can also feel honoring and cathartic to you.
Think Through Specifics
Just because you aren’t having the services now doesn’t mean you can’t think about the specifics you will have when you do go forward with the services. Consider flowers you might want, the location where you may have the service, how many people and whom you will invite, and what the reception after the event might look like. These things will be easy to pull together later if you think now about what your loved one would have wanted and what your family would appreciate.
There are plenty of benefits to utilizing cremation services in Tacoma, WA and one such benefit is the idea that you can put the services off until a time that works for your whole family. The professionals at Weeks’ Dryer Mortuary are here to help you carry out the cremation your loved one needs and then, if you want to have a memorial service later, we can help you plan that out either now or later, if you’d like. We’re here to help you honor your loved one in whatever way you’d like.