Monthly Archives: April 2021

cremation services in Eatonville, WA

Cremation Services Are Super Flexible

If you need to arrange final services for a loved one, you might struggle with the inflexibility of funeral services. There’s a certain timeline you have to stick to, right? And there are certain things you need to get and organize within that timeframe. If you decide to get cremation services in Eatonville, WA instead, you are graced with a certain level of flexibility that allows you to arrange things in different ways and on different timelines. Here are a few ways in which cremation services are flexible.

The Timeline Is All Yours

With a funeral, you have to get everything figured out and implemented within a few days so your loved one can be buried. With a cremation service, the cremation happens relatively soon after death, but the rest of the timeline is completely up to you. You can organize a memorial service right away, or you can wait for a week, a month, or even longer to give yourself time to grieve and get something really special organized. You also don’t have to decide or implement the final resting place right away. You can think about what you want to do and figure out where and when whenever you’d like in the future.

The Service Options Are Open

Funerals are funerals, but memorial services can be whatever you want them to be. You can have something traditional that feels like a funeral, or you can do something that’s more of a celebration of life. It’s nice to have those options so you can customize the services for your loved one in any way you want. Having services that are special and personalized might mean doing something differently and that’s perfectly fine.

There Are Resting Place Options

With funerals, the end result is the cemetery and that’s the only option. With a cremation service, you have lots of final resting place options to consider. You can still bury your loved one in the cemetery, but you can also scatter their ashes or keep them in your family home, among other options. It’s nice to have the door open to lots of different options if you don’t feel like a cemetery burial is the exact right choice for your loved one.

cremation services in Eatonville, WA

When you are organizing final services for a loved one, the options are funeral and burial services or cremation services in Eatonville, WA. Both are completely respectful and honorable. If you want to have more flexible options, it might be better to go with a cremation. The professionals at Weeks’ Dryer Mortuary are here to work through those details with you. We want to hear what you think about the choices and we can offer you ideas and suggestions based on your loved one’s personality and what you want for them. Give us a call when you want to start planning and we will be here for you with support and compassion the whole way through. This is a hard process, but you will bring honor to your loved one in anything you choose.

funeral homes in Eatonville, WA

Things The Funeral Home Can Provide To You

When you have to plan final services for a loved one who has passed on, there are certain things you can get from funeral homes in Eatonville, WA that can help you get through the planning and implementation of those services. It’s wise to understand what all funeral homes have for you so you know what you can get. Funeral homes are there to help and they can provide for you just about everything you need for these events. Here are some of the things they provide:

Transportation For Your Loved One

The first thing you get is transportation for your loved one to the funeral home from the place of their death. That’s something your loved one needs and it will help you to care for them after they are no longer able to care for themselves.

Service Options

You might have an idea what you want for your loved one already, but if you don’t, the funeral home has service options and lists that can help you get a full idea as to what is available. You are able to understand what they offer and that will make the choices easier on your family. You just have to find something that fits.

Price Lists

Funeral homes are completely transparent about their pricing systems. They want you to know what services they have, but also what those services cost. You will get a list of package options, which include everything you need for a final service, but you will also get lists of prices on an individual nature so you can pick and choose, add things, or just have further knowledge about what you are paying for.

Rooms For Services

You can have the final services you want for your loved one right there at the funeral home as they have a variety of spaces that can accommodate what you want to do. You can have something small and intimate in a smaller room or something larger that is open to the public in a larger space. It can be easier to have services right there in the funeral home where you have professionals that are able to help with the process.

funeral homes in Eatonville, WA

Final Service Products

Whether you want to buy an urn for cremation services or you need a casket for a funeral service, the professionals at the funeral home have the products available for you. You could get those items at other locations from other vendors, but you can also just get them at the funeral home where it’s easier to get things lined up.

If you are ready for final services, understand that funeral homes in Eatonville, WA are there to help you with as much of the process as possible from start to finish. Contact the professionals at Weeks’ Dryer Mortuary and we can start with a consultation and help you to seek out the services you want for your loved one to honor their memory in all the right ways.

cremation services in Lakewood, WA

Talking To Your Family About Uncomfortable Things

It’s easy enough to talk to your family about the weather, your day at work, and other such things. But when it comes to hard topics, it can be much more of a challenge. If you have arranged your own cremation services in Lakewood, WA, for example, talking about that can be really hard. Here are some of the hard topics you talk to your family about over time and how you might broach those subjects.


Money is something that can be hard to talk about as it is a sensitive subject. If you want your family to know what kind of money you have and what your will says so everyone knows who gets what, that can be hard to bring up. You might want to have a meeting about that subject alone so you can let everyone know what they need to know and then move on. If there are certain beneficiaries of certain accounts, it’s good for those people to know what is coming for their own future plans. While it might not be the most comfortable topic, it’s good to get it out of the way once you have those types of things set up.

cremation services in Lakewood, WA

Cremation Services

It’s never fun to talk about your own death, even if you hope it’s far off into the future. But if you arrange your own final services, it’s a benefit to your family to know what those services are. They can then understand what you want and prepare themselves for that future in as many ways as possible. Once you have your final services set up, the final step is letting your family in on those plans. You can gather them together and let them know what you have arranged. It’s best to give copies to certain family members as well so they can review them and understand what you want more thoroughly. They might have questions about why you have chosen what you chose and other such things. Having a meeting, even if it’s not the most comfortable thing you’ve ever done, can benefit everyone in the family.

Your family is made up of some of the most important people in your life and while it’s a lot easier to talk about your job and the weather, there are going to be some hard topics that come up over time as well. If you want your family to be prepared and not have to wonder and guess about things when you pass on, talking to them about your will, your accounts, and the cremation services in Lakewood, WA you have set up for yourself in advance are all good ideas. The professionals at Weeks’ Dryer Mortuary are here for you when you want to look over options and ideas for your final services. You can call us to get service lists and prices so you can look them over and take your time in deciding what you want for yourself in the future.

funeral homes in Lakewood, WA

Allowing The Funeral Home To Do Things For You

It can be hard to let people do things for you, but when you are working with funeral homes in Lakewood, WA, those professionals are there for a reason and they are there to relieve you of burdens. What you have to do is let them do some of those things for you. Here are a few examples of things you can let them do.

Deal With The Transport

When you hire a funeral home to help you with your loved one’s final services, the first thing you are going to need help with is the transportation of your loved one from the place of their death to the funeral home’s facilities. Once you hire those professionals, they can deal with that transport for you. They will contact the location that has your loved one and they will set up a time to get them and take them to the funeral home. You don’t have to be involved at all and that can be a big relief for you.

Implement Services

The funeral home is not going to take any decisions from you or make any for you. But once you make decisions about what you want to do for your loved one’s services, the funeral home will support you in those choices. They will also implement the services for you so you don’t have to worry about setting things up yourself and figuring out the details. It’s nice to be able to make the decisions and then hand them off to the funeral home. You can do as much as you want yourself, of course, but allowing the funeral home to do a lot of it for you can really help take some of the heaviness from your shoulders.

funeral homes in Lakewood, WA

Give Compassion

There are certain things that funeral homes can do that it’s hard for just anyone to do. Some people don’t react right to death and they aren’t going to know what to say or do around you any longer when you are dealing with the grieving process. But when you are working with a funeral home, it’s important to allow them to give you the compassion you need during the grieving process. You need to be talked to and treated in a certain way and that’s just what the funeral home employees will do for you. They know what to say and what to do no matter what kind of grief you are dealing with.

When you are ready for final services for a loved one, it’s important to contact professionals at funeral homes in Lakewood, WA to help you with the process from start to finish. You can do some of the things yourself, but you can also allow the experts at Weeks’ Dryer Mortuary to do things for you, which will help you to relieve yourself of certain burdens. You know that letting other people help will be a big bonus to your grieving process. Give us a call and we’re here to help.