Monthly Archives: October 2020

cremation services in Lakewood, WA

Never Hesitate To Ask Questions About Cremation Services

If there’s one thing that providers want you to know, it’s that you should never hesitate, feel bad about, or silly over asking questions regarding cremation services in Lakewood, WA. Almost everyone that has to plan these types of services is going to have questions and the funeral homes are used to hearing them and answering them. They don’t even mind answering the same things over and over again as they realize the information is new to the client they are speaking with. There are plenty of questions you might ask, whether you are planning a service for a loved one, pre-planning for yourself, or just going into a cremation service that you want to attend for someone who has passed on. Here are a few things to consider asking so you know what you need to know.

How Are Memorials And Funerals Different?

Those who are going with a traditional funeral might use the term interchangeably, but the two things really are different. Memorial services are generally held without the person’s body present. Funerals, on the other hand, have the casket there with the guests. Memorials are generally held after a cremation service while funerals happen before burial services. IF you are invited to a memorial, it could be a variety of different styles. It could feel much like a funeral or it could be more light-hearted or even a celebration of life. It’s good to know what you are attending before you get there, so you know what to wear and how to act.

What Will Funeral Directors Do?

When you have a funeral at a funeral home, you know the funeral director is very busy. When you have a cremation service, though, what does the funeral director do? The answer is that they do many of the same things. They take care of your loved one, help to organize services, and ensure that whatever decisions you make, they are implemented. They are there to support you through this process with compassion, no matter what process you choose.

What Can Be Sent To Services?

Most people automatically send flowers to a service and that can be very nice. But there are also lots of other options. You could send a card to let the family know you are sorry for their loss. You can send money for them to donate to a charity in their loved one’s honor. You could also take food to the family, so they don’t have to make meals for a while.

cremation services in Lakewood, WA

There are lots of other questions you might have about cremation services in Lakewood, WA and that’s just fine. The professionals at Weeks’ Dryer Mortuary are here to help. We’re able to answer your questions in person, by phone, or even over email, whatever works for you. It’s important for you to be comfortable with attending or organizing these services, depending on what situation you might be in at this time. No matter what you face, we’re here for you.

funeral homes in Lakewood, WA

Taking Burdens Away By Offering To Host Receptions

When someone you know is organizing final services for a loved one with funeral homes in Lakewood, WA, you might not know what you can do to help them. Grief is different for everyone so they way you might support one person could be different than what you would do for someone else. However, if you know they are having a funeral, that will generally be followed by a reception. If you really want to relieve their burdens, you might offer to arrange and host the reception for them. If someone else has already offered, you can at least help that person. If not, you can take that burden away from your friend and they will likely be very grateful.

You will want to first thing about where you will hold the reception. If they are having the funeral at a church, there might be a space available there that you can utilize. You could also have it in a community center, a family home, your home, or even a restaurant. It is nice to know about how many people you can expect so you know what type of space you will need. If they are having a small, intimate funeral for close family, that’s different than something that is open to the public.

It’s also important to have a budget in mind. If the family is going to pay for it, they should set the parameters for you and you can fit in what you can to that amount. If you are paying for it yourself, you will want to set a price that you can afford and stick to it. You don’t have to get extravagant with this event. You can keep it simple and still do something that your family will appreciate. You can get sandwich trays or even organize others to have a pot luck so you are able to spread the work around a little.

One of the big things you will do for the family in the midst of the reception planning is ensure that all they have to do is walk in and sit down. You will set everything up and clean everything up, or you will ask people to do so with you. There are likely lots of other people who want to help in some way and that is a great place for them to fit in.

funeral homes in Lakewood, WA

When you are working on the reception for after the services at funeral homes in Lakewood, WA, talk to the family and see if they have any requests. There might be family members with dietary needs, or they might have ideas and suggestions. If their loved one had a certain preference, perhaps they want to incorporate that food into the menu. When you are working on ideas, the professionals at Weeks’ Dryer Mortuary are here to help you with suggestions. We have been through many services and receptions are a big part of that as well. We want to help you to support your friend through the services for their loved one.

funeral homes in Eatonville, WA

Headstone Options Are Hard To Weed Through

When you are working on final services for a loved one, there are a lot of decisions you will have to make. When you are working with the professionals at funeral homes in Eatonville, WA, you have experts on your hand. They can give you lists of things you need to do so you can keep track of what has to get done, when, and how. Once the funeral service is lined up and you have things like the cemetery plot purchased and ready to go, you will also want to think about the headstone for that plot. It can be hard to weed through the options because there are so many. Use some of these parameters to help you narrow things down to a much smaller field from which to choose.

Cemetery Rules

Some cemeteries have certain restrictions where headstones are concerned. If the cemetery you choose is such a place, you can narrow down the field of headstones based on what they allow or don’t allow. They might only accept certain materials or sizes, for example, and that can help you get started in the right direction.

Your Budget

It’s wise to set a budget for the headstone you want to buy so you don’t spend too much and then not have enough for another important area of the service. Once you have a budget in mind, you can share it with the professionals, and they can direct you toward the headstones that are within your price range. That can cut out options that are above what you can pay and helps to narrow things down.

Consider Your Loved One

In any decision you make surrounding a loved one’s funeral, you will want to think about your loved one, what they liked, what they would prefer, and so on. You might get a certain color that they appreciated or inscribe a verse that they adored. Those things will help the headstone feel more personal and more fitting to your loved one.

And Customizations

You might have certain things in mind for the headstone as well and that can help to narrow things down. If you want something with angels on it or something with a heart, those headstones will stand out to you above the others as something you might appreciate more for your loved one.

funeral homes in Eatonville, WA

When you are working with funeral homes in Eatonville, WA on final services for a loved one, they will be with you every step of the way, even when you are choosing headstone options for that person’s grave. You can walk through the process with professionals by your side so you can get their recommendations and advice along the way. They help people choose these items all the time and they can help you as well. When you need to move forward with final services, the experts at Weeks’ Dryer Mortuary are here to help. Give us a call and you will get the support and compassion you need from here on out.

cremation services in Eatonville, WA

Jobs For Others At Cremation Services

When you are organizing cremation services in Eatonville, WA, you, of course, will be thinking about your loved one’s needs. But you will also want to think about your family members. Some people might feel better about the situation if they are more involved in the services themselves. They might even reach out to you and ask if there’s anything they can do. Here are a few things you might dole out to others as jobs for the cremation services.

Hand Out Pictures

While the program is always a nice keepsake, you might also have pictures of your loved one that you would like to distribute. Put someone in charge of making sure everyone who attends the services gets a chance to see the different shots and the ability to choose one they’d like to take home. This could be the same person handing out programs, or someone else who can spend more time with each guest.

Seat Guests

When the guests arrive at the funeral home or church, you can have someone help them get seated, like an usher at a wedding. They can see people to their seats. That is especially helpful if the room gets full. They can keep an eye on where there are empty spots, making it easier to direct people to those spots when they arrive.

Sing/Play A Song

If you have a talented family member, you might ask them to sing a song at the service or perhaps play the piano or another instrument. It’s a nice way for them to honor your loved one, but it’s also something everyone will enjoy. They might feel more comfortable with their instrument of choice than in other roles, too.

Do A Reading

Depending on how you are setting up the services, there might be a chance for someone or several people, to do readings. You can spread that among a few family members so they can participate in the service, even in a small way.

Share Memories

At certain memorial services, you might have an open mic time where anyone can share whatever they want about your loved one. In other services, you might designate certain people. You might have your eye on family members who have nice stories or those who are comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. It can be a memorable way to get details about your loved one and allow someone to participate in the service more.

cremation services in Eatonville, WA

There are lots of jobs that can be done in regard to cremation services in Eatonville, WA, and if you are in charge of the services, you might need to find people to fill them. When family members and friends approach and ask you what they can do, keep these things in mind as places they could fit into the services. You can come up with other ideas as well and the professionals at Weeks’ Dryer Mortuary can even help you with further suggestions. Give us a call and we’ll work together on all of the details.